Conventional gym training isn’t possible for everyone. Not everyone can go to the gym and get a full workout by jumping on the treadmill or hitting the squat rack.
This is where technology comes to save the day.
Bionic Fitness allows you to get a full body workout regardless of your limitations. Cant activate your quads due to a missing limb? Can’t strengthen your glutes? Can’t train your arms like you use to? Struggle to do a full core workout?
Bionic Fitness uses full body Electric Muscle Stimulation technology all the way from Germany to fire up your muscles without having to use any of your joints or ligaments do the work.
Using EMS machines we can trick your body into thinking its lifting really heavy weights or doing a hard cardio session even on your dormant muscles.
Our Workouts go for 20 minutes and stimulate 90% of your main muscle groups in that time.
20 minutes of Bionic Fitness will give you the equivalent of over 1.5 hours in the gym and leaves you with that great post workout feeling!